of pastors and Christian leaders in Africa are under-trained for their place of ministry.

This is the well-known and even heart-breaking reality for many pastors, not just in Africa but around the world. And the Enemy easily takes advantage of these unlearned leaders, entrapping them and those they influence in deceitful doctrines and sensational philosophies.
In response to this crisis, Bible Methodist Missions and Hope International Missions are partnering together to provide foundational training and resources for the 85% of African pastors who have not had access to theological training. We are calling this ministry initiative Africa85!
Africa85 is utilizing training resources, such as Shepherds Global Classroom, to train and disciple men and women who can faithfully disciple others. We are partnering with church groups, training institutes, and local Bible study groups to see the Kingdom of God grow not only in size, but in depth.

Leadership Team
Glenn Gault
Africa Director of Training
Maricka Herrer
Executive Assistant for Training